Sunday, April 26, 2009


One of the best things you can do for yourself is EXERCISE! Its good for your body, your overall self-esteem, keeps you healthy, and your heart in tiptop shape!
Walking is the best, most convenient form of exercise and when coupled with a good diet, it helps you lose a lot of weight as well. A 30-45 minute walk can help build your endurance as well as strengthen your heart. Combine your walk with an inclusion of heart friendly fats called omega 3 in your diet. Flaxseeds, almonds, walnuts are good sources. Limit out fat and sugar intake in your diet as well and high cholesterol and those dreaded triglycerides will become a thing of the past.
Going to the gym works for me! A good one-hour workout has helped increase my stamina, endurance, muscle strength and flexibility. Above all, it de-stresses me like nothing else....its even better than shopping!! Three days a week of cardio and abs workout, and three days of weight training can help you lose weight as well as give definition to your body. If you have the world's best excuse ready i.e. if you don't have the time to go to a gym, there are certain gym exercises that you can do at home such as: Squats 20 each (2 reps), Lunges 15-20 each (2 reps), hold 3-5 lbs weights in your hands and do lunges eventually, Push-ups 25 each (2-3 reps) and ab crunches 25-30 each (2-3 reps). Of course there are a lot of variations in each that you can look up on the net and perform. Invest in 5-10 lbs weights initially or use 2 lt water bottles and do basic bicep, tricep work-outs as well.
Yoga is very beneficial again, for weight loss as well as for people suffering from heart complaints, diabetes, blood pressure, osteoarthritis etc. An exercise called Suryanamaskar is considered to be the best overall work-out for the body. 5 repetitions of this asana is equivalent to a 15-20 minute walk.
So people, get off that couch now! and get your daily dose of exercise or as I call it.....Vitamin X!

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